Getting Around
Nine Mile Forest
Cross Country Skiing and Snowshoe Racing Competition
221700 Red Bud Road, Wausau, WI 54401
Granite Peak Ski Area, Snowflake Run
Alpine Skiing & Snowboarding Competition
227200 Snowbird Ave, Wausau, WI 54401
Stoney Creek Hotel
Opening Ceremonies, Dinner & Dance
1100 Imperial Ave, Rothschild, WI 54474
SOWI has room blocks at the following hotels. Both hotels are set up for direct bill to your local program in-house account at Special Olympics Wisconsin. Make sure to provide your Local Program Number and clarify payment type when making the reservation. You will have to provide a personal credit card for incidentals.
Stoney Creek Hotel
1100 Imperial Ave, Rothschild, WI 54474
Room rate $105 per night
Call 715.355.6858 to book and mention Special Olympics
- Make sure to include Local Program Number with booking
Holiday Inn & Suites Wausau-Rothschild
1000 Imperial Ave, Rothschild, WI 54474
Room rate $114 per night
Click Here to Book Online with group code SOW
Call 715.355.1111 with code SOW to book
All registered competitors and coaches will receive Saturday Lunch and Dinner, and Sunday Breakfast. For any other meals and spectators, the Wausau area offers plenty of options for your dining needs. Please visit: for a list of restaurants in the area. Enjoy!
Meal Schedule:
Meals are provided based on registration. Only athletes and coaches registered in Plan B and Plan D will receive all meals.
Lunch: Saturday, February 10
Cross Country & Snowshoe Athletes & Coaches
Location: Nine Mile Forest
Menu: To Be Determined
Alpine Athletes & Coaches
Location: Granite Peak
Menu: To Be Determined
Dinner: Saturday, February 10
Location: Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center
Menu: To Be Determined
Breakfast: Sunday, February 11
Location: Nine Mile Forest
Menu: Pancake Breakfast hosted by Knights of Columbus
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