“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” – Athlete Oath
Would you like to be part of the Celebration Ceremony?
Follow these steps to create your own video and you may be included in the 2020 Virtual Celebration Ceremony! (Note: submission of a video does not guarantee that it will be included in the Ceremony)
Step 1: Record a video clip up to 15 seconds.
- Catch a ball from off-screen on your right side (it can be any ball!)
- State your name, where you are from, and how you are being brave in the attempt or how others can be brave in the attempt.
- Example: “Hi everyone, my name is John and I am from Milwaukee. I am being brave in the attempt by taking things one day at a time and doing something active every day.”
- Example: “Hi athletes! My name is Sarah and I am from Eau Claire. You can be brave in the attempt by staying strong. We’ll be back together soon and I can’t wait!”
- Throw the ball off-screen on your left side
Step 2: Submit your video no later than May 29, 2020! Videos can be submitted using the form below or they can be emailed to tjaime@specialolympicswisconsin.org.