Victory Village Presented by Princeton Club includes activities, vendors, and Special Olympics Wisconsin information.
Princeton Club
- The Princeton Club is the presenting sponsor of Victory Village. Princeton Club is a 24/7 premier fitness club that offers the best of the fitness industry. Their state-of-the-art facilities are located throughout southern Wisconsin, and offer something for everyone.
Big Red Raffle
- By purchasing a $5 ticket you help pave the way for a more inclusive society where individuals with intellectual disabilities are accepted, valued and empowered members of their communities. 100% of proceeds stay in Wisconsin to benefit the athletes of Special Olympics Wisconsin. Grand prize is $5,000.
Carroll University Dining Ice Cream
- Carroll University is providing a variety of ice cream this weekend, come and cool down with a sweet treat!
Catholic Financial Life
- Families have trusted Catholic Financial Life to safeguard their financial security for 153 years. Established by a group of Catholics searching for a way to help and support one another in times of need, we’ve grown to become the second largest Catholic not-for-profit financial services organization in the United States.
Connections (Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin)
- Connections IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self Direct) program consultants can serve as your long-term care partners to help you plan and direct support services – close to home to reach the goals you desire.
Gigi’s Playhouse
- Gigi’s Playhouse changes the way the world views down syndrome, and sends a global message of acceptance for all. They offer free purposeful programs to children with Down syndrome through locations worldwide.
Hartley Lab (The Waisman Center)
- Hartley and her students study the resources and processes that promote positive development in individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions across the life course. The Hartley Lab investigates these issues in diverse populations, with a particular focus on individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, and fragile X syndrome.
HEAR Wisconsin
- HEAR Wisconsin is a nonprofit organization that helps infants, children, and adults with hearing loss by eliminating communication and language barriers through personalized services, technology and education.
Keep Calm Tool Kits
- Keep Calm Tool Kits allow individuals, families, and communities to thrive through sensory play, education, and coaching.
Life Navigators
- Life Navigators provide kids and adults with disabilities comprehensive disability support services and individualized support to ensure safe, happy, and healthy lives.
Milwaukee Brewers
- Catch the action by stopping by to get a FREE Brewers bobblehead!
Pediatric Home Services
- Pediatric Home Services helps families be together at home. They help families with services such as respiratory equipment, enteral nutrition, infusion nursing, pharmacy home care nursing, and more.
SOWI Family Resource Area/Information Tent
- Learn what Special Olympics Wisconsin is all about! At the information tent you can learn about our state-wide yearlong programming or get answers to questions about the Celebration Games.
Thrivent Financial
- Thrivent is a holistic financial services organization that provides financial advice, investments, insurance, banking and generosity programs to help their clients make the most of all they have been given.
TMG Wisconsin
- Since 1986, TMG’s focus has been on improving community-based long-term care. They help to support and improve the services that thousands of our Wisconsin neighbors rely on for health, safety and personal fulfillment.
Wellpoint Care Network
- Wellpoint Care Network is a community-facing, human-serving organization with deep roots in Milwaukee. They have partnered with thousands of local individuals and families as they work to overcome the effects of generations of trauma and adversity.
Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
- The Wisconsin BPDD wants to unite all of Wisconsin in supporting people with developmental disabilities to lead their most independent lives.
Youth Health Transition Initiative (The Waisman Center)
- Housed at UW Madison, the Youth Health Transition Initiative acts as a state hub of expertise for youth transitioning from pediatric to adult health care services. Learn about becoming a healthcare transition champion!