The ______________ scoring system will be used for all match play.
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Touching the ball before the ball touches the ground on a serve awards the point to the server.
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A match consists of one ___ game set with a margin of ___ game(s).
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Which is an example of inappropriate attire for athletes competing in tennis?
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When can a player receive coaching from a designated Special Olympics coach?
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A tie-break will be played when the set reaches ___ games all.
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The score will be called with conventional terms - 15, 30, 40, game - even in a tie-break.
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A ball landing on a line is considered:
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Players may use underhand or overhand serves at their discretion.
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A serve hitting the net and landing in the correct service box is called a let and is _____.
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At 3-3, the No Ad point, who chooses the side for the server to serve to?
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The service is a fault if:
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When serving, the server must have _____ _____ behind the base line.
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Athletes are unable to warm up on the court prior to the match.
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The server receives ___ attempt(s) to serve a good serve.
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In a tie-break, the first player to __ points, wins, provided there is a margin of 2 points.
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All tennis athletes automatically advance to the State Outdoor Sports Tournament.
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At 6 All in a Tie Breaker, do you switch ends of the court?
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If the player hits the net with the racquet or their body touches the net during the point:
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During a point, the ball hits the player while he or she is on the court or while they are off the court:
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