The Governing Body for softball is:
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Which of the following is NOT an official event in Special Olympics Softball:
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A ______ is a ball in flight that is batted sharply and directly into the playing field.
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The _______ is the area closest to the player's bench where the on-deck batter may warm-up or takes practice swings, while waiting his turn to enter the batter's box:
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Wood bats are NOT permitted for use during any competition.
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The glove worn by a player in the field may not be the same color as the color of the ball being used (during that game).
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Metal Cleats may be worn during competition.
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The ice hockey goalie style catcher's mask is NOT permitted.
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A softball player can legally wear the following gear/attire as part of his/her uniform:
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The_______ is that area within which the catcher must remain until the pitched ball is batted, touches the ground, plate, or batter, or reaches the catcher's box.
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All of following are rules of Softball EXEPT:
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Each umpire shall have the power to make decisions on violations committed any time during playing time or during suspension of play until the game is over.
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The plate umpire or base umpire shall have equal authority to:
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The head coach is responsible for signing the line-up card.
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Legal protests may be made for the following situations EXCEPT
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A legal written protest must be filed _________.
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'Time' is the term used by the umpire to order the suspension of play during which the ball is dead.
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'Stealing' bases is permitted in Special Olympics softball.
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The _______ is that portion of the field that is outside the diamond formed by the baselines or the area not normally covered by an infielder and within the foul lines beyond first and third bases, and boundaries of the grounds.
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The _______ is that portion of the field in fair territory that includes areas normally covered by infielders.
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