Athletes may participate in __ events from __ category/categories.
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All relay team members must wear identical singlets or shirts.
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Runners are allowed __ false start(s) in SOWI athletics competition.
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In shot put, the shot may be:
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The put will be declared foul if the competitor:
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In Turbo Jav, how many throwers can be on the approach area at a time?
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In the Softball Throw, competitors may use any type of throw but the same throwing motion must be used for qualifying and final throws.
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In the Long Jump, why are all legal jumps measured?
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In the High Jump, competitors are permitted to dive forward over the bar.
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What is the minimum opening height for all high jump competitors?
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An Athletics athlete may use:
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In Turbo Jav, a thrower cannot use a 360 degree turn of their body during their approach.
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In the Wheelchair Slalom, what is the penalty for knocking down or displacing a cone?
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To qualify to compete in wheelchair events, the athlete must require use of a wheelchair for every day movement.
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In the event of a scheduling conflict, _____ events take precedent over _____ events.
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If an athlete has not reported, and misses an attempt at his/her event because of a scheduling conflict, that attempt will be recorded as a scratch.
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A competitor will be disqualified from the Motorized Wheelchair Slalom if their coach enters the course boundaries during the running of the obstacle course.
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Athletes do not need to have one foot in touch with the ground at all times in the walking events.
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Ties in field events are broken by:
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In relay races:
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An athlete cannot use blocks or spikes in Special Olympics.
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The starter will use a 3 command start for all running races.
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In any race on the straightaway:
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In the wheelchair slalom, the athlete must go to the ______ of the first obstacle.
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The order of finish is determined by when an athlete's __________ crosses the finish.
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