Special Olympics Wisconsin prides itself in sponsoring high quality sports training and competitions for people with intellectual disabilities. The primary purpose of this code of conduct is to establish a high standard of athlete behavior, which will ensure the safety and well being of all athletes involved in training and competition. All athletes (including Unified Sports® Partners are expected to abide by the Athlete Code of Conduct as established by Special Olympics Wisconsin.
By agreeing to abide by the Special Olympics Wisconsin Code of Conduct, each athlete agrees to adhere to the following athlete behavior:
- Uphold the philosophy, principles and policies of Special Olympics, Inc. and Special Olympics Wisconsin
- Behave in a manner consistent with Special Olympics Wisconsin’s core values of mutual respect, integrity, positive attitude, accountability, teamwork and dedication
- I will practice good sportsmanship.
- I will act in ways that bring respect to me, my coaches, my team and Special Olympics.
- I will not use bad language.
- I will not swear or insult other persons.
- I will not fight with other athletes, coaches, volunteers or staff.
- I will train regularly.
- I will learn and follow the rules of my sport.
- I will listen to my coaches and the officials and ask questions when I do not understand.
- I will always try my best during training, divisioning and competitions.
- I will not “hold back” in preliminary competition just to get into an easier finals competition division.
- I will not make inappropriate or unwanted physical, verbal or sexual advances on others.
- I will not smoke in non-smoking areas.
- I will not drink alcohol or use illegal drugs at Special Olympics events.
- I will not take drugs for the purpose of improving my performance.
- I will obey all laws and Special Olympics rules, the International Federation and the National Federation/Governing Body rules for my sport(s).